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medical insurance data entry project is an offline process. 
They manage all the voluminous data and images in electronic/digital format.
They will provide a blank form of software and data in the form of images, which include 42 fields.
What you have to do, is just filling the data in each form.
Is this is possible to complete given data in time with good accuracy? 
To overcome this situation crystal logics private limited developed CRYSTAL AUTO TYPER SOFTWARE 
for medical insurance demographic data entry project.

Crystal Auto Typer:
We will convert medical insurance images into excel using CRYSTAL ICR software.
jpg image to excel conversion, we will separate data into row-wise, and column-wise, following company gave instructions.
open crystal auto typer software and medical insurance demographic software
upload converted excel, into crystal auto typer software
select which record you need to auto type, press start auto typing button, place the cursor into the first column of medical insurance demographic software
crystal auto typer software, type the excel data into medical insurance demographic software automatically, using your system keyboard.

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